Step 1 - Theme Options

To begin customizing your site go to Appearance -> Customizer and select Theme Options. Here's you'll find custom options to help build your site.

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Step 2 - Setup Slider

To add a slider go to Theme Options -> Homepage and choose page slider. The slider will use the page title, excerpt and featured image for the slides.

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Step 3 - Create Homepage

To add featured content go to Theme Options -> Homepage (Featured) and turn the switch on then add the content you want for each section.

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New Paper on progressing youth to senior in Athletics

We have lastly handled to get this paper accepted as well as published on the Journal of science as well as medicine in Sport. This was part of a larger research study conducted with colleagues in Italy to “map” historical data of Italian Athletics as well as figure out progressions in different athletics events to

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Coffee maker Oatmeal

pleased Monday! I started my day on the treadmill at the hotel. But, after 15 minutes I wanted to scream. I used to only run on the treadmill. I had one in my room all through college and would run on it 5 days a week. I never ran outside. Now, it’s hard for me

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Too much Cinnamon

typically I truly pour cinnamon on my oats like it’s going out of style, however this morning I really poured method as well much ? It didn’t taste as well bad, however some bites were rather bitter. This morning I woke up as well as slammed a eco-friendly Monster so I’d have some fuel before

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Spring cleaning continues

hello as well as great morning! I have an early client this morning so I’m hoping to run later. Let’s see exactly how my body cooperates… And I’m sure I’ll be having this for breakfast MY latest VIDEOS Athleta Running Shorts Review.mp4 No Chafing Running Shorts for women. new evaluation of Athleta HIIT IT 9

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Best virtual Races for 2021

There are tons of fun virtual races with awesome medals and t-shirts you can run in 2021! So don’t let all those race cancellations stop you from training and earning a new medal. So, here’s a list of the best virtual Races with notes on the perks you get when you sign up. plus suggestions

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Interesting Infographics

I am establishing a enthusiasm for infographics as well as plan to do some work in the near future to present some research study info in a simple way. If you are not familiar with infographics right here is a meaning from Wikipedia: Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or

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>Microsoft gives Kinect starter kit for academic research

> This is excellent news. now scientist will be able to access a software development kit to develop innovative solutions for using Microsoft Kinect a new gaming device developed by Microsoft. What is special about Kinect? Kinect allows a controller-free gaming. Which means full body play. Kinect responds to how you move as it is

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Easy date Shake recipe

When I was in college my best friend moved to palm Springs, about two hours east of the LA suburbs where we grew up. I went to a local university and lived at home which was great for saving money but not for new experiences. So, I loved driving out to visit her because even

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Mexicans like Valentine’s Day as well

Hello! I am having the busiest day, however I wished to stop in as well as state “Hola”. For real. very first let’s talk running as well as eating my very pinterest deserving snack. Running: Yes. I did. MY newest VIDEOS Face Mask suggestions for Running as well as walking Outside Face Mask for Running

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